Pokemon Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire

Number Ribbon How to get
Training Ribbon Show a woman in Cafe Ultimo in Luminose City (XY) or the black belt in front of the Pokemon Center in Dewford Town (ORAS) a Supremely Trained Pokemon.**
**Note: Can also be done in X & Y
Skillful Battler Ribbon Defeat a Battle Chatelaine**
**Note: Can also be done in X & Y
Expert Battler Ribbon Defeat a Battle Chatelaine in a Super Battle**
**Note: Can also be done in X & Y
Hoenn Champion Ribbon Defeat the Hoenn Elite 4
Coolness Master Ribbon Win Cool Contest Spectacular Master Rank
Beauty Master Ribbon Win Beauty Contest Spectacular Master Rank
Cuteness Master Ribbon Win Cuteness Contest Spectacular Master Rank
Cleverness Master Ribbon Win Cleverness Contest Spectacular Master Rank
Toughness Ribbon Win Toughness Contest Spectacular Master Rank
Contest Star Ribbon Win in all five Master Rank categories

The ribbons below can be acquired in multiple gens

Number Ribbon How to get
Effort Ribbon Show mon with 510 EVs at Slateport Market**
**Note: Can also be done in RSE, DPPt, HGSS, XY, USUM, SwSh & BDSP
Alert Ribbon Show mon on Monday in Mauville Hills**
**Note: Can also be done in DPPt, HGSS, XY & BDSP
Shock Ribbon Show mon on Tuesday in Mauville Hills**
**Note: Can also be done in DPPt, HGSS, XY & BDSP
Downcast Ribbon Show mon on Wednesday in Mauville Hills**
**Note: Can also be done in DPPt, HGSS, XY & BDSP
Careless Ribbon Show mon on Thursday in Mauville Hills**
**Note: Can also be done in DPPt, HGSS, XY & BDSP
Relax Ribbon Show mon on Friday in Mauville Hills**
**Note: Can also be done in DPPt, HGSS, XY & BDSP
Snooze Ribbon Show mon on Saturday in Mauville Hills**
**Note: Can also be done in DPPt, HGSS, XY & BDSP
Smile Ribbon Show mon on Sunday in Mauville Hills**
**Note: Can also be done in DPPt, HGSS, XY & BDSP
Gorgeous Ribbon Buy for 10,000 pokemonies in Mauville City**
**Note: Can also be done in DPPt & BDSP
Royal Ribbon Buy for 100,000 pokemonies in Mauville City**
**Note: Can also be done in DPPt & BDSP
Gorgeous Royal Ribbon Buy for 999,999 pokemonies in Mauville City**
**Note: Can also be done in DPPt & BDSP
Footprint Ribbon Show mon 30 levels higher than caught/received level in Battle Resort**
**Note: Can also be done in DPPt, XY, USUM & BDSP
Best Friends Ribbon Show mon with max affection in Mauville Hills**
**Note: Can also be done in XY, USUM, SwSh & BDSP

Big thanks to u/CaptainTimey on Reddit for the help with the ribbons and their locations!