Pokemon X & Y

Number Ribbon How to get
Kalos Champion Ribbon Defeat the Kalos Elite 4
Training Ribbon Show a woman in Cafe Ultimo in Luminose City (XY) or the black belt in front of the Pokemon Center in Dewford Town (ORAS) a Supremely Trained Pokemon.**
**Note: Can also be done in ORAS
Skillful Battler Ribbon Defeat a Battle Chatelaine**
**Note: Can also be done in ORAS
Expert Battler Ribbon Defeat a Battle Chatelaine in a Super Battle**
**Note: Can also be done in ORAS

The ribbons below can be acquired in multiple gens

Number Ribbon How to get
Effort Ribbon Show mon with 510 EVs in Laverre City**
**Note: Can also be done in RSE, DPPt, HGSS, ORAS, USUM, SwSh & BDSP
Contest Memory Ribbon Contest ribbons from previous gens are condensed upon transfer. If the mon has all 40, becomes gold**
**Note: Can also be acquired in ORAS & USUM
Battle Memory Ribbon Tower ribbons from previous gens are condensed upon transfer. If the mon has all 8, becomes gold**
**Note: Can also be acquired in ORAS & USUM
Alert Ribbon Show mon on Monday in Hotel Ambrette**
**Note: Can also be done in DPPt, HGSS, ORAS & BDSP
Shock Ribbon Show mon on Tuesday in Hotel Camphrier**
**Note: Can also be done in DPPt, HGSS, ORAS & BDSP
Downcast Ribbon Show mon on Wednesday in Hotel Marine Snow**
**Note: Can also be done in DPPt, HGSS, ORAS & BDSP
Careless Ribbon Show mon on Thursday in Hotel Coumarine**
**Note: Can also be done in DPPt, HGSS, ORAS & BDSP
Relax Ribbon Show mon on Friday in Hotel Couriway**
**Note: Can also be done in DPPt, HGSS, ORAS & BDSP
Snooze Ribbon Show mon on Saturday in Hotel Cyllage**
**Note: Can also be done in DPPt, HGSS, ORAS & BDSP
Smile Ribbon Show mon on Sunday in Hotel Coumarine**
**Note: Can also be done in DPPt, HGSS, ORAS & BDSP
Footprint Ribbon Show mon 30 levels higher than caught/received level in Shalour City**
**Note: Can also be done in DPPt, ORAS, USUM & BDSP
Best Friends Ribbon Show mon with max affection in Prism Tower**
**Note: Can also be done in ORAS, USUM, SwSh & BDSP

Big thanks to u/CaptainTimey on Reddit for the help with the ribbons and their locations!